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The Most Iconic Movie Proposals: Did yours make the List?

The Most Iconic Movie Proposals: Did yours make the List?

Have you got cold come Valentine’s Day? Be courageous, she’ll say yes! But if you think it may not be the right time, that’s ok. Take the time muster up the gumption and make sure you’ve prepared exactly the romantic, unforgettable moment you’ve always imagined. Here are some iconic movie proposals that will hopefully get you inspired to pop ‘the question” soon.

1. Gone with the Wind


Let’s start out with one of the most classic and mystifying relationships in all of cinema – Scarlett and Rhett from Gone with the Wind. Rhett tells her how much he loves her, but Scarlett calls hi ill-bred, that she’ll never marry again, and doesn’t love him. He kisses her, and looking up she tells him, “Yes.”

2. Sweet Home Alabama


Known for the undying country hit as well as for Reese Witherspoon heartthrob role, Sweet Home Alabama’s proposal scene is one most aren’t sure to forget any time soon. In the movie, Melanie (Witherspoon) is taken to a darkened, unknown location by her boyfriend Andrew (Patrick Dempsey). The lights come on and it’s revealed they are at Tiffany’s in NY. After asking her to marry him he tells her to pick any ring she wants.

3. Runaway Bride


One of Julia Roberts’ most beloved roles is Maggie from Runaway Bride. After leaving no less than four men at the altar, Maggie actually does one of the most heroic things she can muster and proposes to Ike (Richard Gere). She tells him, “I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don’t ask you to be mine, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.”

4. Walk the Line


The great thing about this story is that it is actually based on actual events. Johnny and June’s relationship was one of the more intimate one’s the greater public has been able to witness. One night before playing a duet that they were so famous for performing together, Johnny says, “Sorry folks, I can’t do this song anymore unless she’s gonna marry me…I’ve asked you 40 different ways.”

5. Love Actually


Jamie is a British man who falls in love with hit housekeeper – a Portuguese woman who speaks no English. Even though they cannot communicate, Jamie works to change this by learning her language so he can propose to her. She responds to his question by replying in English, showing that she also has been thinking of him and practicing.

6. The Notebook


Almost every girl has seen it and if you had a girlfriend at the time you’ve probably seen it too. Yes, the dialogue could borderline on nauseatingly mushy, but overall it struck a chord with romantics everywhere. In particular is the proposal scene where Noah tells Allie, “I want you. I want all of you, forever. You and me, every day.”

7. Moonrise Kingdom


The most recent of our Iconic Movie Proposals also is the quirkiest. The two characters are barely 12 years old, but they act over twice that age. They fall in love and decide to run away on an adventure together. They are both asked by the master of ceremony (who acknowledges he has no real legal authority) if they love each other. They both confidently declare “Yes.”


Make Yours Memorable Too

Life is not a movie, but many movies are based on real life events. We wouldn’t have the feelings of romance we get from watching these proposals if we didn’t think that in part they could be possible for us. Gold Unlimited wants you to have your own iconic proposal, one that will be just as memorable and much more meaningful than anything you could see in a movie.

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