What To Adorn Her With This Holiday Season

girl with present
The holidays are already here! At a loss for what to get that special lady in your life? Take our quiz below to learn about her style and get some suggestions on what to purchase this year.

It’s our delight to send you home with timeless treasures that she will love & cherish for eternity. Look over our selection and come visit us today for a one-of-a-kind gift she is sure to adore.

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What to Know when it comes to Jewelry Appraisal

jewelry san antonio

Does Gold Unlimited offer appraisals? Good question – yes we do! An appraisal is the process of determining the value of a gemstone or piece of jewelry. Never thought you may have needed one for your valuables? You’d be surprised that having one done could add more value to them, as well as encourage you to safeguard and insure them properly. However, like anything else, it is a good idea to know a bit about the process before just having anyone appraise your jewelry. Here a few tips to help you along the way.

How to Find an Appraiser

Many jewelry stores offer appraisal services, but not all appraisers are equal. You have a good chance of finding an appraiser that suites your needs by searching for appraisal associations online. Typically these organizations have nationwide and even international member members close to where you live. Going through an association with certified members also a way for you to safeguard yourself, as members have to uphold ethical and professional standards. These members will also be required to have correct certifications.

Signs of a Quality Appraiser

Jewelry appraisers should have experience and training in their craft. This training is sometimes referred to as gemological or appraisal training. It is also highly useful for them to know exactly how jewelry is made, so they’ll be able to tell quality craftsmanship from mass-produced items. A certified appraiser should have received a paper certificate from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

Your Appraisal Report

When you are given your appraisal, make sure you’re not just given a verbal mention of value. An official Appraisal Report is needed when certifying the item being appraised indeed holds the value being asserted. It is also something an insurance company would want to see as proof when you’re looking to protect your asset. Your appraisal should include:

When the appraisal took place
Your contact information
The purpose of the appraisal
Item(s) value
Limiting conditions and assumptions
Disclosure Statement
Signature of appraiser
Appraiser’s credentials
Anyone involved in the appraisal process

Find Your Value Today with a Jewelry Appraisal

Have you inherited family heirlooms that you suspect may be worth more than just their sentimental value? Looking to shop for the best insurance to protect your valuables? Then you need to come into Gold Unlimited today for an appraisal by one of our specialists. We’ve been in business for over 25 years in San Antonio and look forward serving you.

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The 4 Cs: A Quick Guide to Diamond Grading

Diamond grading has long been one of the most important aspects of jewelry valuation. In the past, it involved going to an expert jeweler, someone with one of those tiny spyglasses that allow them to look deep into the gem and point out all of its flaws and perfections. Nowadays, though, this process can be done much easier. With the help of the Internet, you can find out (roughly) the quality of your diamond, and how much it might be worth to a prospective buyer. What should you be looking for when you are checking out the quality of your diamonds?


Cut doesn’t refer to the diamond’s shape per se, but more the amount of cuts to create the shape of the diamond. The amount and placement of the cuts on the diamond affect everything from the diamonds brilliance and radiance to how the light plays off the corners of the diamond. Most master cut diamonds are made with 58 facets, or cuts, and the amount of cuts on the stone show how much skill the cutter has. More cuts can mean less diamond value based upon weight, but they can also mean more clarity and shine for the diamond, which can also give the diamond more value.


If you’re looking for a diamond with perfect clarity, you might want to look somewhere other than Earth. Because diamonds are formed deep below the earth’s surface along with other rocks and minerals, virtually all diamonds contain small imperfections that cut down on their clarity. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) created an 11-point chart to evaluate the amount of blemishes inside the diamond. It takes a skilled grader to find the smallest imperfections in a stone, and in a business where one small speck inside a stone could mean the difference between thousands of dollars, skill is an important thing to have.


Diamonds come in a wide variety of colors. Ranging from clear to yellow, even all the way to brown, the GIA also has an intricate grading system for color. Going through D-Z on their chart will show small, minute differences between diamond colors. D grade diamonds, being the clearest, are some of the most difficult to come by, and Z grade diamonds, which are the yellowest, are more common and less expensive.


Carat, the American variation of the word karat, is the international unit for measuring the weight of diamonds. There are two different weight measurements: the carat and the point. The carat equals .2 grams, so a diamond weighting four carats equals .8 grams. The second unit of measurement for diamonds is the point, which equals .01 of a carat. A diamond that weighs 50 points equals ½ carat, where a diamond weighing 100 points is equal to one carat.

The art of diamond grading has been made easier in recent years by Internet technology and certification courses, but it still takes an extremely  skilled eye to correctly grade a diamond. While you may be able to estimate a value for your gem, you will never really know until you take your diamond into a trained specialist. Luckily, here at Gold Unlimited, we are able to certify your diamonds and jewelry to the best of our abilities, and give you a much better estimate of how much your jewelry is worth. So why not stop by with that diamond jewelry is really worth, and maybe walk out with some cash in your pocket, too.

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Should You Start Buying Gold Because of the Apple Watch?

The Apple Watch has caused quite a stir since it was announced last Fall. People had speculated for years what it was that the industry leader in smart-phones was going to do regarding the wearable technology trend, and in November of 2014, Apple finally released their long awaited “Apple Watch.” Coming in 3 different models, ‘Watch,’ ‘Sport,’ and ‘Edition,’ the world went crazy for all things Apple. The top of the line model, the ‘Apple Watch Edition,’ would be made out of 18 karat gold, and contain a variety of features that would also be available on the other models.

Speculation around the Watch

Once it was finally released, Apple maintained their secrecy around the more unique specifications regarding the watches. Much as before the announcement, it has been up to mostly consumers to speculate about what the actual watch will contain. Enter the article ‘How Much Gold Will the Apple Watch Contain’ by Josh Centers. In this article, Centers uses data that Apple has actually released, mainly production numbers, and speculates how much gold the ‘Apple Watch Edition’ will actually use. Apple plans to begin with production of one million units, mostly for sale in the Asian markets. Each watch, Centers predicts, will contain roughly two troy ounces of gold, or between 50 and 75 grams of gold per unit. If the amount of gold that Centers believes to be in the watches is true, and if Apple continues the production numbers stated for the first month of production, Apple will need to purchase 1/3rd of the gold mined in the world for the year.

What It Could Mean for the Price of Your Gold

It is known that gold is an extremely rare metal. Only 746 metric tons are mined every year, whereas there are roughly 19,000 metric tons of silver mined in the same time period. As any high school economics student can tell you, when supply goes down, price for a product will assuredly go up. So what does this have to do with the gold in the Apple Watch? It’s simple: if Apple does indeed take 1/3rd of the year’s supply of gold, the supply of gold in the market will go down by 1/3rd. This is merely speculation, but the price of gold after the release of the Apple Watch in April could increase dramatically, especially if the production of the watch continues to top one million units every month for the next year. Even Centers, the author of the article, admits that these numbers may be a bit off, but he also says “… it’s never safe to underestimate Apple.” They are, of course, the same company that sold over ten million iPhone 6s and 6+ models within three days of their release in September of 2014.

There is always speculation with markets for precious metals. No one is quite sure what they’ll do next. Curious to see how much your gold is worth? Simple! Come into Gold Unlimited and get an estimate on the spot, or click the button below to make an appointment with one of our top jewelry experts. You’ll walk out with a hand full of cash and a smile on your face.

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Tying the Knot? Get Extremely Old School with Your Engagement Ring

You’ve found them. The special someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Step one: check. Step two: finding the perfect ring to symbolize your love and commitment. You step into Gold Unlimited and see the countless number of engagement rings on selection, but which one to choose? You know you don’t want something plain and boring. You want something with pizazz, something away from the plain old ‘band and diamond.’ That’s when you see it: the Hercules knot. You’ve seen it before, the simple circle inside a circle, but the design itself seems so ancient, so old. Where did the design come from, and why does it feel so right for your proposal?

Tradition of ‘Tying the Knot’

You might not know it, but a majority of our modern wedding and engagement traditions come from Ancient Rome. The reception, carrying the bride through the doorway, the garter belt: all of these go back millennia. But there is one that has begun to wane in popularity in recent years: the Hercules knot. In Ancient Rome, the Hercules knot symbolized healing, binding, and commitment. The Hercules knot was put on all sorts of jewelry ranging from headbands to rings; it was even used to fasten the woman’s garter before the marriage ceremony began. (Tying the knot, get it?)

The Switch to ‘Band and Diamond’ Engagement Rings

The Hercules knot was used for thousands of years to show commitment and binding between two people, but in recent years, it has been replaced by the easily recognizable ‘circle and diamond’ design. The circle itself continues the tradition of the Hercules knot (circles are never ending, symbolizing the love between two individuals) but is much easier for jewelers to craft and mold. But, while the plain ‘band and diamond’ ring maintains the symbolism, the Hercules knot brings beauty, elegance, and radiance to the hand of the one you love.

A Symbol of Love

Your love isn’t something plain and simple. Your love is complex. Your love binds you and your partner together, and you’re ready to take that next step. Why settle for a simplistic engagement ring? Why not choose a ring that embodies your love with the charm, elegance, and symbolism that your loved one deserves? The Hercules knot may not be for you, but variations of the knot are countless.

Are you looking for the perfect ring to show how much your love really means? Click the button below to browse our selection, or come into the store to see our excellent collection of fine watches, diamonds, and jewelry.

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How to Give Jewelry Romantically

Let’s face it, the black felt box is classic, but predictable. We’ve talked before about how not to give your woman an engagement ring, but since we’re only talking about jewelry and not the symbol of your eternal devotion – there’s a little more room to be creative. Here are a few ways you can delight her and still be romantic and fun.

Make it a Part of the Course

Going out to dinner is one of the oldest date ideas in the book, but there’s also a reason why it’s still done today. Food is timeless! Now don’t get the wrong impression by thinking we’re going to tell you to hide that expensive piece in the champagne or cake. An even better idea is to ask the waiter to prepare a special “course”. After you finish one of your courses, he will bring out the the special course – revealing the ring, bracelet, or necklace on a silver platter or plate. Trust us, she will never forget that dinner.

Put it in an Everyday Used Object

This is where you can get really get fun and creative. Find something that she uses every day regularly, perhaps even at specific times. It could be a makeup bag, a special coffee cup, or a book she’s been reading. By selecting something she uses every day you’ll be showing her that you notice even the little things she likes and uses in life. Of course, she’ll also be incredibly surprised.

Deliver it at Work

Kiss her goodbye as she heads out to the office and then get your plan in motion! You need to already have had your jewelry piece picked out and ready to go. You may want to supplement it with some flowers or her favorite snack. Get all dappered up and drop in on her unawares. She’ll definitely be the talk of the office after and there will be no doubt she has the most romantic man.

Put it in Her Own Jewelry Box

Another great way of surprising her with jewelry is to be a little more straight forward. Find out where she keeps her valuables – either in a jewelry box, a drawer, or armoire. Put your piece inside (make sure it’s the first thing she notices when she goes to accessorize) and watch her delighted reaction when she realizes there’s something completely new waiting for her.

Write a Love Letter

Of course, how you could go wrong with the classic love letter? The problem is, not many guys actually do it! It doesn’t have to be poetic. Just be genuine, tell her how she makes you feel, and say you love her. Put her jewelry piece inside and seal it with a kiss. You’re sure to get one in return!

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Consider these 2 Things before Paying for Rolex Watch Repair

At Gold Unlimited we’re known for our high quality precious stones and exquisite valuable pieces. While we hope you always choose us when trying to make that special occasion even more special, we’d also like you to consider Gold Unlimited when it comes to your everyday Rolex watch repairs. When it comes to high-end watch repairs, especially Rolexs, you don’t want just anyone opening them up and trying to diagnose the problem. These custom made pieces are some of the most expensive and complicated time-pieces created today. So when your watch starts slowing down or missing time you want to make sure you’re putting it in the hands of someone who knows what they’re doing. Here a 2 things you should consider before paying for watch repairs.

Be Wary of Price

If you own a Rolex or other high-end timepiece, then you’re probably aware that you made quite the investment. The good thing about these watches is that they tend to keep a significant portion of their value over their lifetime. When your stops working or has an issue and you go shopping around for watch repair shops, make sure you don’t have the lowest price in mind. Your watch took a lot of time to design, construct and tune. It literally has hundreds of minute moving parts that work together almost like a living organism. If you see advertisements for “same day watch repair” or call and hear that a repair shop does work for a low, flat rate – move along. You don’t want someone charging you $25 dollars to tinker around inside your $10,000 dollar timepiece. An average rate for an expert watch repairman is typically around $50/hour and a routine maintenance procedure like cleaning can take upwards of 4 hours. At best you can expect to pay close to $200. However, this is a small price to pay for keeping your investment in great working order and it also give you peace of mind knowing you’re in knowledgeable hands.

Be Certain of Expertise

Be careful of going to Jewelers whose main area of expertise is simply buying and selling valuables. Yes, they may advertise watch repair, but they may not perform it all that often. If your watch simply needs to be oiled and cleaned you could end up with a bigger problem on your hand when it’s returned to you. Remember that these expensive pieces are calibrated to an incredible degree. Your watch repairman should have a variety of tools suited for about every part and scenario, including tweezers, sharpeners, screwdriver sets, oils, and cleaning solutions. You can also ask if they are a part of any organizations like the AWI (American Watchmakers Institute). If they aren’t, that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t have the expertise as many have apprenticed under a professional.

Get your watch repaired at Gold Unlimited

If your Rolex watch or other expensive watch seems to be acting up or just needs a cleaning, bring it into Gold Unlimited today and we’ll take a look at it. We’ve been buying, selling, and repairing watches in the San Antonio area for over 25 years. Come into our showroom today experience truly unlimited quality and service.

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How to Choose the Right Earrings for your Girlfriend

I think most women will agree with me when I say, men just don’t get it. When it comes to jewelry that is. Most of you guys can shower in 10 min, run three brush strokes through your hair, put on the closest pants and shirt near you and walk out the door. For woman, there’s and arduous and inexplicable ritual that we bind ourselves to every morning. You would too, if your appearance were judged the major part of every day. So, it’s a lot of time an effort put onto our appearance before even walking out the front door. I won’t go into the various steps woman go through because it would never end (and you wouldn’t quite understand why we do it), but what I’m going to give you is a little insight on how we choose our earrings for the day. Of course, all women are different when it comes to personality and style so before you step foot into any jewelry store read carefully!

Step 1: Ask yourself questions.

When you take her out does she wear earrings? Are they big noticeable hoop earrings or small studs? You have to know at least a little bit about her style before buying her any type of jewelry. The last thing you want to do is make her look like Nikki Minaj when her style is more simple, like Reese Witherspoon’s. This will help you narrow down the size and style.

Step 2: Pay attention

When you two go to the mall/stores, follow her into the jewelry store and watch what she looks at. Point out a few various pieces and listen to which type of style, color and size she likes. This is probably the best way to get her something she will actually wear and like.

Step 3: What’s the occasion.

Did you mess up? Do you want to surprise her? Is it her birthday or an Anniversary? A lot of this depends on her taste in jewelry, but it may be necessary to spend a little bit more in certain situations. If you messed up bad you might want to work overtime because to make her happy again you have to cough up some dough. If you plan to surprise her just because, I applaud you! What a great gesture! Make it something from the heart. The more thought that goes in to it, better.

You don’t have to spend too much but don’t be cheap. If it’s for her birthday or anniversary I hope you’re not reading this the day of. If you are… good luck (and finish this article before you run to the store)!

Step 4: Stepping into the store

You still might not have a grasp on exactly what she likes, so to be safe; do these things.

  • Ask the sales woman to help you for a second opinion.
  • Take like a few (maybe 5) recent pictures of her to show the lady how she usually dresses, so that she has a better idea of the type of girl you’re dating.
  • Go to 3 different stores.
  • Take one of her good friends.

Other tips:

  • When in doubt, don’t do it! You don’t want to make the bigger mistake of getting her the bad gift.

All of these steps WILL hopefully help bring you a little closer to being the most thoughtful boyfriend ever, and help you sneak out to watch Sunday football with the boys!

Want a free pair of earrings? You don’t have to thank us. Check out our giveaway on Facebook: We’ll email one lucky winner soon!

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San Antonio Jewelry Fashion Tips

Ever open up your jewelry box and become disenchanted with the style potential offered to you? You love every piece the same, but you’re tired of the predictable way you know they’ll look and with what outfit you’ll pair them with.Continue reading

What to get her? Popular jewelry in San Antonio

Uh-oh. Christmas is just around the corner and guess what – you put off shopping AGAIN this year. What’s worse is your significant other knows it and their hopes for a great gift are diminishing with each passing day. What can you do to save Christmas (and your right to sleep in the bedroom)? Easy. Get her some jewelry.Continue reading